
宇治抹茶かき氷、最高!Uji matcha shaved ice is the best!

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宇治抹茶かき氷、最高!Uji matcha shaved ice is the best!

宇治抹茶かき氷、最高!Uji matcha shaved ice is the best!


100ツアーズです!今回は海外ゲストのMonicaを迎えてのKYOTOTOURー!夏の京都は暑かったですが、皆さん宇治抹茶のかき氷など食べて、クールダウン。鴨川沿いを自転車で走り、下鴨神社でかき氷、今宮神社であぶり餅と京都を満喫されました。これからは秋の京都がやってきます!一段と素敵な京都となってきます。みなさんもぜひ、素敵な京都を体感してくださいー!It's 100 Tours! This time we're welcoming our overseas guest Monica on our KYOTO TOUR! Kyoto was hot in the summer, but everyone cooled down by eating Uji matcha shaved ice and other foods. They cycled along the Kamo River, had shaved ice at Shimogamo Shrine, and grilled mochi at Imamiya Shrine, and thoroughly enjoyed Kyoto. Now autumn is upon us in Kyoto! Kyoto is becoming even more beautiful. Come and experience the beauty of Kyoto for yourself!

